Launch Party Ideas / by MadeFirst

Launch Party

You’ve spent the money and effort to come up with a viable product or strategy to take your business to new heights, and now it’s time to announce it to the world. A launch party is one of the best ways to generate buzz about your company and showcase your accomplishments. 

Today, we’ll share our guide to hosting an unforgettable business or product party, with creative ideas and tips to make it even more successful.

1. Be Strategic About the Venue

Veteran event attendees have seen dozens of hotel ballrooms, banquet halls and convention centers. At some point, all these venues will start to blur together. If you want to make a splash, break the mold and choose a unique location such as a winery, botanical garden, golf club, art gallery or museum. Here are some additional considerations for booking a venue.

  • To keep the focus on your business, ensure the location does not outshine the event agenda. You want the spotlight to be on you the whole time. 

  • Choose a venue based on the ambiance and amenities it offers. Pay attention to details like the décor and overall mood – you want everything to be consistent with the atmosphere you’re trying to create. 

  • If your event feels inaccessible because it’s hard to find, far away, in a high-traffic area or has limited parking, people will be less likely to attend, no matter how creatively you market and promote the launch party.  

  • Even if you don’t plan to serve a full, plated meal, most people expect to have some refreshments available. Check if the venue has a staff who can help you tidy everything up when the event ends. 

2. Be Selective With Your Invitations

When organizing a launch party, consider your target audience and invite only the most influential people or valuable customers. The goal is to narrow down your invitation list to people who are genuinely interested in your product or service. Creating a sense of exclusivity makes any event feel more special and lays the groundwork for ample networking opportunities among your guests. 

3. Be Social to Promote the Event

Besides more traditional marketing approaches like emails and printed invitations, you can use your social media accounts to start generating positive word of mouth about your launch party. Post regular updates to remind your followers you’ve got something exciting coming up. You can play things a little bit close to the vest if you want to save the big reveal for the event itself. 

Also, don’t forget to create a unique hashtag for the party and use it on every post and platform. Though hashtags started on Twitter, you can now use them on Facebook, Instagram and even LinkedIn, so take advantage of the ability to turn your company’s tagline or brand name into a clickable link in every post. To keep all the event-related content consistent on social media, encourage your attendees to use the same hashtag when they post. After the event, people who want to learn more about your launch party can learn all about it by clicking on the hashtag.

Why Work With Us? 

Even in today’s climate of virtual experiences and anonymous online transactions, in-person events like launch parties are among the best opportunities for your business to build brand awareness and meet potential customers face to face. As a full-service fabrication company, MadeFirst specializes in custom displays for events of all sizes, using our extensive industry expertise to make our clients’ visions a reality with budget-friendly planning and execution.

Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.