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Spatial Design

Have you ever wondered what qualities make one room feel relaxing and homey, while another has an inhospitable vibe? Spatial design is a discipline that combines elements of interior design, art, architecture and landscaping to intentionally craft human environments that connect to the world around them.


What Does a Spatial Designer Do?

Typically, people adapt to the specific limitations of the environments in which they live and work, accepting these as fixed and inflexible. But to the eye of a spatial designer, every setting brings novel and unique ways for humans to interact with and move through their surroundings. 

Traditionally, architects and interior designers consider space and people, but spatial design operates on a higher level by introducing sustainability principles into the design process. With each project, spatial designers develop a profound understanding of the interactions between people and places. We look for innovative ways of working with materials, collaborating with community stakeholders and decision-makers while lending our individual interpretation to each project.


Spatial Design Has Many Applications

While building and designing spaces where people will live and work is the time-honored goal of traditional design fields, spatial design aims to create places that adapt to the needs of those who use them. In that way, spatial design represents a new synergy between conventional architecture and interior design.  

As spatial designers, we see each project with a people-first mentality, picturing how people will flow in, around and through a sequence of actions and how their environment should naturally lend itself to that progress. 


Spatial Design + Experiential Design

The emergence of spatial design has ushered in a new way of thinking, acting and working throughout the industry, including an overlap with the existing trend of experiential design. The overarching concept uniting these two disciplines is the emotions they can foster in people. The stronger a connection someone feels with an experience or brand, the more often they’ll want to return to enjoy those feelings time and again.

Business leaders are increasingly recognizing that it’s not enough to merely host a networking event, trade show or seminar – they must separate themselves from their competition by creating a memorable experience for their attendees. For example, warm or cool lighting, tactile surfaces and large-format graphics all evoke specific feelings that may encourage people to explore a room, versus passively listening to a presentation.

Spatial Designers in Nashville and Beyond 

As recognition continues to grow around the impressive level of creativity an experienced spatial designer can bring to a project, the demand for this level of expertise will increase exponentially. At MadeFirst, we specialize in taking large-scale, interactive projects from concept through completion. We invite you to view our portfolio to learn more about what we can do, then get in touch with us today. We are willing to travel nationwide from our home base in Nashville, Tennessee, to make your creative vision a reality.